Grace Reynolds - A new kid on the block
Grace comes to cycling after a few years of racing 800m, 1500m & XC in athletics and making regional podiums. Switching across to cycling as a 1st year junior female is a tough move , because you miss the U14 and U16 development years with regional competitions and camps and you are thrown straight in with Senior Women. But Grace is tackling that hurdle, specialising in road and circuit races and 4 months into her first year of formal coaching for competition has chalked up her first Senior Circuit race win and managed to move up to Cat2 in the BC ranking system. Hopefully there is more success on the way © John Wann, CyclingCoach
2018 Results Update (Yellow=track; Blue = Road/Circuits)
15/7 Junior Womens National RR Champ 21st
8/7 Junior Women's RR Series 23rd
10/06 Cyclopark Women's Grand Prix 29th
22/05 Thruxton - Summer Series R6 (E1234) 1st
16/05 Full Gas Circuit Series #3 (E123) 5th
05/05 National Women's Omnium R1 9th
01/05 Thruxton - Summer Series R4 (E1234) 2nd
21/04 Junior Women's 3-stage Giro (Overall) 16th
01/04 Thruxton - Summer Series R2 (E1234) 4th
24/03 West Drayton Crit Series 2 W234) 7th
17/03 West Drayton Crit Series 1 W234 2nd
11/03 Crowhurst Women's Spring RR 10th
18/02 Thruxton - Summer Series R1 (E1234) 3rd
17/02 Hillingdon Winter Series 10 (E1234) 2nd